On June 1, 2017, 60 members of the Winter Park high School Wind Ensemble embarked on a seven day trip to New York City.  They participated in what can only be described as a once-in-a-lifetime trip.  Made possible, in part by the Miller Found

ation, the students enjoyed sights, culture, and history of this great American city and then perf

ormed at one of the most magnificent venues in the world—Carnegie Hall.  They visited historic sites such as The Top of the Rock, Statue of Liberty, Lincoln Center and the September 11 Museum and Memorial.  The spectacular culmination of their trip was participating in the Mass in time of War production as the featured performance.

Edun Kalmar, a senior at Winter Park High School performed a Concerto (clarinet solo with accompaniment) during the performance.  He described the event as “the most amazing experience in his life “and “something he would never forget. “

While many of these students will continue their music studies into college and beyond, for some it marked the culminati

on of years of musical study and performance.  For those who plan to continue their music in some form or fashion, the trip energized, ins

pired and set a lofty goal for what they might hope to accomplish in the future.  Christopher Blackmer, Director of the Winter Park High School Band said, “There is no more spectacular or profound way to put an exclamation mark on their musical achievements. Their next trip to Carnegie Hall just might be as professional musicians thanks, in part, to the opportunity The Miller Foundation helped provide.”